Stephan van Erp

Prof. Stephan van Erp (KU Leuven)
with Prof. Inigo Bocken (KU Leuven), Prof. William Desmond (KU Leuven), Prof. Darren Dias (Toronto), and Dr Jake Benjamins


Metaphysics, Contemplation, and the Religious Life


This project is located within the ‘return of metaphysics’ in continental philosophy. The renewed interest in metaphysics implies a tension between reality as a whole and the particularity of one’s experience and understanding of that reality. The aim of this project is to explore this tension by examining the contemplative practices of the philosophical and theological schools of the religious orders and congregations (from the first half of the twentieth century onwards) with methods familiar to continental philosophy. Bringing together scholars working in phenomenology and metaphysics, as well as systematic, mystical, and historical theology, the project seeks to retrieve contemplative practices from within these religious schools as a way to engender new, practical forms of thought in the twenty-first century.

An investigation into contemplation as a practice has the potential to overcome commonly perceived dichotomies in philosophy and theology, such as subjectivity and objectivity, passivity and activity, and theory and praxis. This project will examine and present a variety of religious practices and traditions under the heading of ‘a metaphysics of contemplation’, a metaphysics which is not reducible to abstract theorizing, but reflects on its loci in historical, communal, and performative ways of encountering reality as a whole.

Final Report:

The project organized three expert seminars with leading scholars who presented their research and engaged in constructive conversation. The seminars explored the philosophical significance of contemplative practices in various religious orders and their traditions. The first expert seminar was held in Leuven on December 2-4, 2022, and the second seminar was held in Toronto from March 22-24 at the University of St. Michael’s College (Toronto School of Theology). As a result of these two seminars we have organized an edited collection currently under-review with the University of Toronto Press. From January 18-21, 2024 we also organized a third expert seminar in Leuven, which focuses on the political and ethical dimensions of contemplation and will produce a special edited collection for Studies in Spirituality. In support of the three seminars Stephan van Erp and Jacob Benjamins have co-written two forth-coming articles. Lastly Benjamins has taught a graduate course at the University of St. Michael’s College based on the project’s research agenda, which will serve as the basis for an open access handbook on Christian contemplative traditions.